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Helvic Dromin Road Nenagh Dromin Road, , Nenagh, Tipperary,Description:
The construction of 1 No new two storey dwelling, creation of a new access gateway to the public road and ancillary works associated.
Extension at Castlequarter for Brendan & Graine Burke Castlequarter, , Ardfinnan, Tipperary, E91 NH66Description:
Demolish the existing rear extension and construct a new extension to the rear and side of dwelling house
New extension to dwelling at Ballintenoe, Carrigatoher, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary Ballinteenoe, , Carrigatoher, Tipperary, E45 TK60Description:
New extension to dwelling at Ballintenoe, Carrigatoher, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary
Farm Development Boytonrath, New Inn, , Cashel, Tipperary,Description:
Milking Parlour for existing dairy farm
New Dwelling House, No. 1 Glenconnor, Clonmel Glenconnor, , Clonmel, Tipperary,Description:
Construction of a new dwelling house and all associated site works
optout alterations to existing dwelling house Parkroe Cappawhite Parkroe, , Cappawhite, Tipperary, E34TY09Description:
alterations and extension to western end of house and extension to eastern end of the house, associated siteworks.
Fire and DAC upgrades to change of use to Art Gallery 6/7 Davis Street, , Tipperary, Tipperary, E34 VX84Description:
The project involves, the change of use of ground floor retail unit into Art Gallery including all associated works at 6/7 DAVIS STREET, TIPPERARY TOWN, CO. TIPPERARY, E34 XV84 as per Schedule of Works below but not limited to … o Waste Management and Disposal of all construction waste material o Upgrade of works to comply with Fire Safety, Universal Access, Sound Insulation, etc. o Construction of new Wheelchair Accessible Unisex WC compliant with TGD Part M 2022. o All associated mechanical works including water services, drainage, etc. o All associated electrical works including lighting, power, etc.
slatted feeding area with underground effluent tank Knockanglass, , Clashnevin Lower, Tipperary,Description:
Erection of a slatted feeding area with underground effluent tank and all associated site works in Knockanglass, Lisgarode, Nenagh.
single storey dwelling house, proprietary treatment tank, tertiary coco filter treatment system, raised bed p Clonedarby, , Rossmore Thurles, Tipperary,Description:
opt out single storey dwelling house, proprietary treatment tank, tertiary coco filter treatment system, raised bed percolation area, entrance
Construction of Detached Dwelling at Redwood, Rathcabbin Redwood, , Rathcabbin, Tipperary,Description:
Construction of a new replacement dwelling house, site entrance, installation of a packaged waste water treatment system and all associated site works