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Turtulla House Mill Road, , Thurles, Tipperary,Description:
A two storey dwelling, domestic garage, new site entrance, new secondary treatment system and soil polishing filter and all associated site works.
Thurles Market Quarter Thurles Market Quarter, Thurles Townpark, Thurles, , Thurles, Tipperary, N/ADescription:
Extension, material alteration and material change of use of agricultural building to café. All associated site works including the provision of Part M compliant access between building and existing site entrances, upgrading of car parking, the provision of EV recharging infrastructure, and all associated site drainage, lighting and services.
Cattle sheds (C&D) at Railway Farm, Curraghscarteen, Fethard, Co. Tipperary Curraghscarteen,, , Fethard,, Tipperary,Description:
Cattle sheds (C&D) at Railway Farm, Curraghscarteen, Fethard, Co. Tipperary
Construction of a new single-storey warehouse at Powerstown, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. Powerstown, , Clonmel, Tipperary, E91 W6X3Description:
Construction of a new single-storey warehouse incorporating 2 no. dock levellers with canopy over, underground storm attenuation system and all associated site works at Powerstown, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, E91 W6X3.
Pádraic & Karen O'Dwyer Shanballymore, , Donohill, Tipperary,Description:
Construction of dwelling house, sewage treatment system, percolation area and associated site works.
Equine facilities development Toor, , Toor Upper, Tipperary,Description:
The construction of (i) a stable building incorporating tack area, stables, feed storage, effluent tank (ii) a roofed horse walker (iii) a sand arena (iv) a storage shed (v) a hardcore yard (vi) a new agricultural entrance with access roadway and all associated site works.
Fire Safety and Universal Access Upgrades Scoil Ailbhe NS, Parnell Street, , Thurles, Tipperary, E41 XY10Description:
The EMERGENCY WORKS SCHEMES project involves minor alterations for Fire Safety and Universal Access upgrades to Existing National School including all associated works.
Application No.: -
ANCILLARY RESIDENCE LINKED TO EXISTING HOUSE FOR DENIS McCARTHY upper glenconnor, , Clonmel, Tipperary, E91 XV30Description:
MIDDLEQUARTER DWELLING Middlequarter, , CLONMEL, Tipperary,Description:
First Floor Extension 15 Hazelwood Grove, , Thurles, Tipperary, E41 D2T7Description:
Proposed Extension at frist floor level to the side of house with all associated siteworks at no 15 Hazelwood Grove, Dublin Road, Thurles, Co. Tipperary for David & Ann Commins