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New Dwelling House, Kilroe, Ballylooby, Cahir, Co. Tipperary Kilroe, Ballylooby, tipperaryDescription:
Construction of a new two-storey dwelling house, traditional septic tank & percolation area and all associated site works.
Trevor O'Connell & Marie Nolan (Garage) Knockalton Lower, Nenagh, tipperaryDescription:
Construction of garage
Trevor O'Connell & Marie Nolan (Dwelling) Knockalton Lower, , Nenagh, tipperaryDescription:
Construction of dwelling house, waste water treatment system, entrance and driveway along with all ancillary site works
Gillian Maher Freighduff, Ardmayle Road, Cashel, tipperaryDescription:
Constuction of single storey dwelling house, septic tank, percolation system, site entrance,and all associated site works.
Thomas Martin & Amy Sheehy Coolantallagh, Ballyporeen, tipperaryDescription:
Construction of a Dwelling, Entrance, Waste Water Treatment System & All Associated Site Development Works
Replacement house at Shanakyle Shanakyle Upper, tipperary, n/aDescription:
the demolition of an existing dwelling and to erect a singlestorey replacement dwelling. The works are summarized as – a) the demolition of existing two-storey dwelling b) the demolition of existing farm buildings c) the provision of a new vehicular entrance d) the decommissioning of an existing septic tank and site percolation area e) the provision of a new on-site sewage treatment plant and associated site percolation area f) the adjustment of site levels g) the construction of a new single-storey replacement dwelling with domestic garage and carport and to carry out all associated site development works.
Minehan House knigh, Knigh Cross, tipperaryDescription:
erect a dwellinghouse , wastewater system and entrance
17-28 Goosers Bar & Restaurant [Material Alterations & Upgrade Works, Shell & Core] Goosers Bar & Restaurant, , Ballina, Tipperary, V94 R678Description:
Significant renovation works, material alterations (shell & core) & fire safety upgrade works, described as: a) Replacement of fire door sets throughout the building b) Removal of existing upper floor & replacement with new compartment floor construction c) Installation of new mechanical & electrical installations including i) Fire Alarm & Detection System ii) Emergency Lighting iii) Electrical Installation - rewire entire building including lights, sockets, switches etc. iv) Gas Supply – new rerouted supply line, meter & associated automatic shutoff v) Proprietary Fire Suppression System to commercial Kitchen Area d) Replacement of existing stairs serving upper floor & compartmentation of same (within existing building constraints) e) Upgrading of fire resistance to existing escape corridor (note existing insulated steel door to Keg Room that cannot be relocated / fire rated, but is low risk) f) Removal of existing damaged external roof escape gantry g) Replacement single ply roof covering to flat roofed areas h) Fire retardant treatment of existing thatch roof covering to roadside pitched roof i) Re-lining & certification of stoves & flues to Pub Areas j) Removal of existing Gas Fire to Dining Area k) Creation of “Open Pass” between Kitchen & Dining Area (thus change in existing fire strategy of separation of Kitchen from Dining Area) l) Replacement of existing rooflight units with Rooflights glazed with glass (not thermoplastic) m) Provision of Openable Window to Stair Landing n) Removal of existing Gas Storage Tank from rear yard area
Application No.: -
New dwelling house Killahara, , Dovea, tipperaryDescription:
Construction of a new two storey dwelling, septic tank with effulent treatment system, site entrance and associated site works.
Opt out Single storey house, septic tank percolation area entrance and ancillary site works middleplough, Templederry, tipperaryDescription:
Opt out Single storey house, septic tank percolation area entrance and ancillary site works