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Construction of Garage for Ian McNamara & Megan Timmons Lisbrien, Nenagh, tipperaryDescription:
construction of garage
Alterations to the clubhouse of Cashel Rugby Club Old Road Spafield, , Cashel, Tipperary, E25VY70Description:
Addition of lift and works to comply with Granted Fire Safety Certificate BR10/2023/0016
House at Oaklawn Drive Drumin Road, Nenagh, tipperary, E45 XV83Description:
New extension to the front of the house to include a corner window to the bedroom, new en-suite and walk in wardrobe, alterations to existing elevations and a new porch at the main entrance and all necessary site works, drainage and external landscaping
Terraced Dwelling Houses Cuchulainn Road, Thurles, tipperary, E41 C9A2Description:
1) Renovation and extension to existing dwelling house including a new pitched roof. 2) Demolish existing shed and construct new terraced dwelling house. 3) Connection to existing services. 4) All associated site works
the conservation of the original house and the provision of a small domestic extension to the rear only, the provision of an external shed parallel to the western boundary (also to the rear of the main house) and all associated site works, on and under land. Oslam House is a recorded protected structure,
2130 Cappauniac Cappauniac, Bansha, tipperary, E34 HH26Description:
Demolition of an existing two-storey extension and single-storey extension to the side and rear of dwelling and demolition of an existing shed, construction of a two-storey extension to the side and construction of a single storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling, new septic tank and percolation area, alterations to existing site boundaries with a new vehicular entrance and associated site boundary and site development works.
Extension & Renovation Ballylynch Carrick Lower Ballylynch, Carrick-on-Suir, tipperary, E32 PP99Description:
Extension and renovation works to existing bungalow
Graiguenoe Project Graiguenoe holycross, thurles, tipperary, E41 TF21Description:
(a)the renovation and conversion of an existing single storey dwelling house into a two storey dormer dwelling (b) a proposed single storey extension to rear of dwelling (c) the upgrade of existing waste water treatment system, and ancillary site works
Galtee Clinic Extension to dwelling E21 V489 Cullenagh South, Burncourt, tipperary, E21 V489Description:
extension to side of existing dwelling
Dwelling Garraunearla DH Garraunearla, Grange, Nenagh, tipperaryDescription:
proposed part single storey/part two storey dwelling, proposed single storey garage ancillary to proposed dwelling proposed new treatment system and percolation area