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3270 results

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  • Extension to Waterpark National School, Park Road Waterford Newtown/ Park Road, waterford, waterford

    Demolish an existing storage shed and ground floor extension to existing school and construct a two storey extension with ancillary works with associated site works at Waterpark National School, Waterford.

    14/500004 View details
  • Tretford Tapijt BV - Shell & Core Works Units 324B, 324C, IDA Industrial Estate, Cork Road, Waterford, waterford
  • Extension to Existing Dwelling for Alva & Robert Tully (Tramore) 32 Rocksprings, Clarinwood, Tramore, waterford
  • Demolish existing cottage and construct a replacement dwelling for Philip Dee & Marie Manning (Clashmore) Kilgabriel, Clashmore, waterford
  • Domestic Garage for Brian & Patricia O'Farrell (Lismore) Deerpark North, Lismore, waterford
  • Completion of Dwellinghouse for Gemma Murphy (Kilmacthomas) Gortnalaght, Kilmacthomas, waterford
  • Dungarvan RFC Dressing Rooms Ballyrandle, Dungarvan, waterford
  • Alterations & Extension to Existing Dwelling for Damien & Stephanie Fardey (35 Summerville Avenue) Beaumaris, 35 Summerville Avenue, waterford
  • Construction of Dwellinghouse & Garage for Seamus Lavan (Dungarvan) Ballynalahessery North, Dungarvan, waterford
  • Extension to Existing Clubhouse at Bohemians Football Club, Ben Wadding Park, Poleberry, Waterford Bohemians Football Club, Ben Wadding Park, Poleberry, Waterford, waterford



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