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2464 results

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  • The construction of a shed building at L-7086-0, Barconey Schoolhouse, Barconny (Robinson), Ballyjamesduff , Co. Cavan, A82 NP08 Eircode A82 NP08, L-7086-0, Barconey Schoolhouse, Barconny (Robinson), , Ballyjamesduff, Cavan,

    The construction of a detached single storey pitched roof domestic shed building at L-7086-0, Barconey Schoolhouse, Barconny (Robinson), Ballyjamesduff , Co. Cavan, A82 NP08

    22513 View details
  • Demolition of existing flat roof extension, erection of new extension to side and rear at Drumbo, Lisboduff, Cootehill, Cavan. Drumbo, Lisboduff, , Cootehill, Cavan, H16 V260

    Demolition of the previous as built single storey flat roof side extension and the construction of a new single storey pitched roof side extension. The construction of a new single storey pitched roof rear extension and the construction of a new single storey/two storey flat roof rear extension to form a link between the existing two storey dwelling and the new single storey pitched roof rear extension.

    23/60317 View details
  • Construction of a domestic garage at L-7069-0, Carnin, Ballyjamesduff, Co. Cavan A82 X2V8 L-7069-0, Carnin, (Eircode A82 X2V8), , Ballyjamesduff, Cavan,

    The construction of a detached storey and a half pitched roof domestic garage at L-7069-0, Carnin, Ballyjamesduff, Co. Cavan A82 X2V8

    2460121 View details
  • Convert two storey outbuildings to 2 no. apartments at Main Street Shercock Co Cavan Main Street, , Shercock, Cavan, A81 E373

    Convert two storey outbuildings to 2 no. apartments and all associated site works.

    20476 View details
  • New Dwelling House at Drumlane, Poles, Drumlane, , Poles, Cavan,

    Construct a new replacement two-storey dwelling house, and installation of approved proprietary wastewater treatment system & percolation area, together with all associated site development works

    23/60125 View details
  • Construction of industrial building extension for workshop purposes at Lakeland Dairies, Killeshandra, Co. Cavan Lakeland Dairies, Church Street, , Killashandra, Cavan, H12 V273

    To construct new industrial building extension for workshop purposes & all ancillary works.

    20/179 View details
  • Change of use and alterations to ground floor from commercial use to healthcare use at 95/96 Main Street, Cavan 95, 96 Main Street, , Cavan, Cavan, H12 P6F3

    Change of use and alterations to ground floor from commercial use to healthcare use to be integrated into a single facility with the adjacent Healthcare Facility in 95/96 Main Street as per granted planning 23/60010 and all ancillary works & all associated signages.

    24/60116 View details
  • Single storey extensions to existing dwelling & garage at Tullybuck, Butlersbridge, Co Cavan Tullybuck, , Butlers Bridge, Cavan, H12 N262

    Erection of fully serviced single storey extensions to side of existing dwelling with associated alterations to elevations, new detached domestic garage & all ancillary works

    21268 View details
  • Construct Domestic Garage at Drumheel, Virginia No. 1 Maple Cresent, Drumheel,, , Virginia, Cavan,

    Construct Domestic Garage as Phase 1 of development and all associated site development works

    21737 View details
  • Construction of single storey visitor centre & associated works at Shannon Pot Discovery Centre, Derrylahan, Glangevlin, Co. C R206, Derrylahan, , Glangevlin, Cavan,

    The works at Shannon Pot in Derrylahan, Co.Cavan consist of a single storey building for the provision of a visitor Centre as defined by red boundary line in drawing - 22008-CADHB-SP-ZZ-DR-A-003 Site Map. The proposed development will include a café, interpretation rooms, kitchen facilities and serving area with associated staff facilities.

    PT8 CN19 View details



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