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Hotel Doolin Guest Suite 05-08 Refurbishment Hotel Doolin, , Doolin, Clare, V95 DE2XDescription:
The conversion of 2 No. existing holiday homes into 4 No. holiday suites, the demolition of rear garden walls, construction of external terraces to the rear and associated ancillary site works
Hotel Doolin Guest Suite 01-04 Refurbishment Hotel Doolin, , Doolin, Clare, V95 DE2XDescription:
The conversion of 2 No. existing holiday homes into 4 No. holiday suites, the demolition of rear garden walls, construction of external terraces to the rear and associated ancillary site works
SAA – 1A.3 – Boston Meeting Room TERMINAL BUILDING, , Shannon, Clare, V14 EE06Description:
SAA - Reconfiguration and upgrade of Existing space to provide new Boston Meeting Room facilities within the main Terminal Building (Arrivals Hall).
Application No.: -
Opt Out - Extension and Renovation of an Existing Derelict Cottage @ Drumdigus Drumdigus, , Kilmurry McMahon, Clare, V15 C890Description:
Opt Out - Extension and Renovation of an Existing Derelict Cottage, relocation of an existing entrance along with all necessary ancillary work @ Drumdigus, Kilmurry McMahon, Co. Clare.
Eire Óg Gaa_New Gym Clonroad More,, , Ennis, Clare,Description:
to carry out the following phased development (a) relocate existing ESB substation, remove existing portacabin, construct changing and shower rooms (b) demolish existing gym, changing room, machinery store and construct new gym, equipment store and accessible W.C together with all associated site development works and services
Deirdre and David Clare - Muckinish West, Clare BISHOPSQUARTER, , Muckinish Hill, Clare, H91A8NRDescription:
the development consists alterations, extension, and refurbishment of an existing dwelling, provision of a new wastewater treatment system and polishing filter, demolition of existing storage shed, new storage shed and all associated site development and external works.
Garage conversion at 12 Collins Park, Ennis 12 Collins Park, , Ennis, Clare, V95 KNW8Description:
Alterations along with an extension to front of existing attached garage and change of use of this existing domestic garage to living accommodation and (b) the construction of a new garage and storage shed to the rear of existing dwelling along with ancillary works
Dwelling House at Carrahan, Tulla, Ennis, Co. Clare Carrahan, , Tulla, Clare, V95 Y9K1Description:
a. to demolish existing single storey rear annex and utility sheds b. alteration and refurbishment of existing dwelling house c. construct both 2 storey and part single storey rear extensions
DHL Shannon - Units 3140 & 3130 Aviation House Atlantic Avenue, Westpark, , Shannon, Clare, V14 AN29Description:
The amalgamation of Units 3140 & 3130 Aviation House, 3000 Atlantic Avenue, Westpark, Shannon, Co. Clare
Application No.: -
Dwelling House at Drumquin, Ballynacally, Co. Clare Drumquin, , Ballynacally, Clare,Description:
The construction of a new dwelling house and garage complete with a new entrance, sewage treatment system and ancillary works