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Extension to dwelling at Clancool Beg Clancool Beg, , Bandon, Cork, P72 P085Description:
Construction of extension to existing dwelling at Clancool Beg, Bandon
Erect New Dwelling House, Domestic Garage and Sewage Treatment Plant @ Tirhomin, Milford Tirhomin, Milford, , Urbalshinney, Donegal, n/aDescription:
Erect New Dwelling House, Domestic Garage and Sewage Treatment Plant
The Briars, Ashbourne The Briars, , Ashbourne, Meath,Description:
Construction of a new two-storey detached dwelling and all associated site works
2620 CMG Dwelling at The Rectory, Fahan, Co Donegal 22 The Rectory, , Fahan, Donegal, F93 DX23Description:
2620 CMG Erection of Detached Two Storey Dwelling of Masonry Construction at The Rectory, Fahan, Co Donegal
Dwellinghouse at Upper Charles Street, Castlebar, Co Mayo Upper Charles Street, , Castlebar, Mayo,Description:
Dwellinghouse at Upper Charles Street, Castlebar, Co Mayo
11 - 15 Rose View, Whitechurch, Co. Cork Rose View, , Whitechurch, Cork,Description:
Demolition and removal of the existing water storage tank and pump house and the construction of 5 no. dwelling units and all associated ancillary development works including vehicular access, parking drainage, landscaping and amenity areas at Rose View, Whitechurch, Co. Cork
St Thomas Fields Sports Facility Tibradden Road, , Kilmashogue, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,Description:
Construction of a single storey Activities & Administration Building at Tibradden Road Sports Campus, Tibradden Rd, Kilmashogue. The proposed building will provide a Gym/Fitness space, studio spaces, changing facilities, meeting rooms, a club room, consultation rooms, along with a café and other ancillary spaces. ALong with the construction of a single storey Track & Conditioning Enclosure. The proposed building will consist of a running track and conditioning room at Tibradden Road Sports Campus, Tibradden Rd, Kilmashogue, Dublin, D16 T6N2
Refurbishment of Enfield Community Hall Main Street, , Enfield, Meath, A83 EH75Description:
Alterations, Roof-works, M&E Installations, Site Works & complete Refurbishment of Enfield Hall, Co. Meath. The floor area of the existing Hall to be altered and refurbished is 368 sq.m.
Application No.: -
9 Greenmount Lawns 9 Greenmount Lawns, , Dublin, Dublin 6, D06 XT38Description:
Formation of Attic Rooms with Dormer on West side and Roof Windows on East & West sides of roof and related internal alterations
James Mc Sweeney House Berkley Street Dublin 7 Berkeley Street, , Dublin, Dublin 7,Description:
The construction of a four storey building consisting of three stories plus one upper storey level setback from the street edge, accommodating 35 one bedroom apartments: a ground floor community room, ESB sub-station, 2 offices, WC, plant rooms, external bin stores and new site boundary gates, railings and plinth to Berkeley Street and Berkeley Place: and landscaping and associated siteworks. We note this development is adjacent to protected structures RPS Ref 745 & 746.