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Fitzgerald's Bar, Terminal 2, Dublin Airport Terminal 2, , Dublin Airport, Fingal, K67 X4X5Description:
Proposed material alterations of the previously approved landside food and beverage unit FB-02 (to be known as Fitzgerald's Bar) at Dublin Airport, L20 Arrivals, Terminal 2, Dublin.
Application No.: -
Two no. apartments at Upper Charles Street, Castlebar, Co Mayo Upper Charles Street, , Castlebar, Mayo,Description:
Two no. apartments at Upper Charles Street, Castlebar, Co Mayo
Ballina Accomodation Centre Convent Hill, , Ballina, Mayo, F26 R928Description:
The development comprises the material alterations and change of use of a former secondary school into an accommodation centre for protected persons
Application No.: -
49/49A North Strand Road 49/49A North Strand Road, , Dublin, Dublin 3, D03 F772Description:
49/49A North Strand Road - Apartment Development. Consisting of 5No. Apartments (3 no. 2 bed units and 2 no. 1 bed units).
13 Fownes street upper Dublin 2 13 fownes street upper, , Dublin, Dublin 2, D02 X066Description:
13 Fownes street upper Dublin 2 Redevelopment of existing 3 storey over basement commercial building including change of use from office to a 13 bed guesthouse with new stepped back 3rd floor, plus ground floor cafe.
23 Grafton street Grafton Street, , Dublin, Dublin 2, D02 XV61Description:
Material alteration for internal fit out and elevation changes to ground and first floor only
Newcastle Coffee Shop Ballynakelly,, , Newcastle, South Dublin, D22 T328Description:
Change of use of the existing dwelling from residential use to café use with construction of single storey extension to the south-west of the existing building
Alterations to Bar & Toilets at The Bridge Bar, Rathmore, Co. Kerry Rathbeg, , Rathmore, Kerry, P51 W6Y6Description:
Alterations to Bar & Toilets at The Bridge Bar, Rathmore, Co. Kerry
11 Jamestown Road 11 Jamestown Road, , Dublin, Dublin 11,Description:
The works will consist of the construction of a new 185sqm single storey extension to south side of existing building, incorporating 3no. new dock levellers and to be utilised as a new marshalling area for product. Site works alongside this shall incorporate the ramping of existing ground to new dock levellers, revision of existing truck and van spaces, and addition of new hardstanding areas.
Shannon Airport – Relocation of Operations TERMINAL BUILDING, , Shannon, Clare, V14 EE06Description:
Reconfiguration of Existing space to provide new Operations Room facilities within the main Terminal Building
Application No.: