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Notice Name:

Housing Development at Convent Place, Convent Road, Delgany, Co Wicklow

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Development location: 
Convent Road, , Delgany, Wicklow, .
Construction of a residential scheme which will consist of 22no. dwelling units, which will comprise of the following: (a) 3no. three storey, with habitable dormer space to the second floor, five bedroom detached dwelling units, (b) 10no. two storey four-bedroom semi-detached dwelling units, (c) 3no. two storey, four bedroom terraced dwelling units, (d) 6no. two storey three-bedroom dwelling units, (e) Ancillary vehicular and pedestrian access to include the use of an existing and permitted access from the public road, (f) The provision of public open space including ancillary hard and soft landscaping, (g) Ancillary car parking, public lighting, and utilities, (h) Connection to public services including foul water connection including the rerouting of an existing foul water sewerage line, (i) Public watermains connection, (j) Surface water drainage with associated attenuation systems, (k) Associated boundary treatments, (l) ancillary works.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Comhairle Contae Chill Mhantáin
Commencement date: 
Monday, 18 November, 2024
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Monday, 16 September, 2024


Owner name: 
Charlie O’Reilly Hyland
Owner company: 
CFO Construction Ltd
Owner address: 
Rock Farm, Brittas Bay, Brittas Bay, Wicklow,


Builder name: 
Maximillian O'Reilly Hyland

Builder address

92/93 St Stephen's Green, Dublin, Dublin,


Designer name: 
Robert Keane

Designer address

Dartry Mills, Dartry Road, Dublin 6,


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Nina Mihljevic Dzindo

Assigned Certifier address

Dartry Mills, Dublin 6, Dublin,