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Notice Name:

No. 2 Sorrento Terrace, Dalkey

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Development location: 
Sorrento Terrace, Dalkey
Permission for development consisting of internal alterations and refurbishment of the existing four storey terraced dwelling to include new plumbing and wiring, the re-roofing of existing vaulted cellar to front of house, modification of window in rear elevation and associated external terracing and landscaping to the rear, including the repair and reinstatement of existing stone boundary walls, a new roof-light in roof above bathroom and solar panel. The internal alterations include, at first floor (level +1), the formation of new opening in central cross wall to enlarge existing bathroom and removal in part of partition wall at entrance to master bedroom. At level -1, the formation of a large opening in each of two cross walls, the blocking up of an existing doorway and formation of new opening between family room and pantry, enlarge existing fireplace opening in family room, remove existing dividing wall to the rear between kitchen and dining room, remove raised floor and form opening in original floor to level -2 below, remove existing staircase and provide new stairs in existing stairwell between ground floor (level 0) and level -2. At level -2, remove existing floor and reinstate with new slab at lower level, form large opening in each of two flanking walls to central passage, remove existing bathroom, tool room and wine store, provide new bathroom, break out wall bellow 2 no. existing internal window openings in cross wall and form 2 no. new doorways in lieu. Externally at front of house, remove existing granite steps to level -1 and roof of vaulted cellar and form new roof and steps with new paving and railings to match existing, block up 2 no. existing openings and provide 2 no. new openings in cellar walls. Externally at rear of house, break out wall below central window of dining room at level -1 and provide new access door and steps to existing upper terrace. Reinstate external cast iron spiral stairs from living room (level 0) to upper terrace. Remove existing external timber steps from upper terrace to middle terrace outside level -2 and repair original balustrade. At middle terrace, remove existing granite steps and railing outside rear entrance, repair and reinstate. Utilizing existing garden and terrace levels, form new garden layout, including garden store located beneath middle terrace, steps, related paved terraced areas and lawn, to include rainwater harvesting system and provide new informal landscaping to grounds to the rear of this garden beyond lawn. A Protected Structure in an Architectural Conservation Area.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice Without Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Comhairle Contae Dhún Laoghaire Rath
Commencement date: 
Thursday, 7 May, 2015
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Wednesday, 22 April, 2015


Owner name: 
Rupert Egan


Builder name: 
Peadar Doyle


Designer name: 
Peter Cody
