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Notice Name:

Craiglea, Gordon Avenue

Print page
Development location: 
Craiglea, Gordon Avenue, Foxrock, dublin_18
The development will consist of reconfiguration of window / door openings and new projecting bay window at first floor – all to front elevation; alterations to windows at first floor to rear / side rear and conversion of window to door at rear; alterations to roof over landing window on rear; application of external wall insulation / rendered finish to all walls; 2no. single storey infill extensions at ground floor to front; single storey extension to rear with rooflight and all associated site, drainage and landscaping works.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice Without Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Comhairle Contae Dhún Laoghaire Rath
Commencement date: 
Thursday, 5 March, 2015
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Thursday, 19 February, 2015


Owner name: 
Lynne Barry


Builder name: 
Peter Lynch


Designer name: 
Alan Burns
