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Notice Name:

Eoin & Melissa Vaughan

Print page
Development location: 
Liffey View, Butterhill, , Blessington, wicklow
(1) to demolish the existing single storey detached dwelling (2) to demolish the original derelict farmhouse and attached ancillary outbuidings to the side and stables to the rear (3) to demolish the detached stable block outbuilding also to the rear (4) to erect a replacement dwelling with all associated site development works (5) to erect a double garage and farm office to the rear of the proposed dwelling (6) upgrade the existing effluent disposal system on site to current EPA standards and (7) OUTLINE permission for a new agricultural shed to serve the existing farm
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Comhairle Contae Chill Mhantáin
Commencement date: 
Monday, 15 December, 2014
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Friday, 28 November, 2014


Owner name: 
Eoin Vaughan


Builder name: 
Sean McDermot


Designer name: 
Deane Turner


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Deane Turner