Extension to 59 St.James Crescent, Mervue, Galway
Print pageDevelopment location:
59 St. James' Crescent, Mervue, Galway City, galway, H91 NN2N
The development will consist of a ground floor extension to the rear. The reconfiguration and introduction of glazing to the existing ground floor accommodation, also to the rear. The introduction of a first floor window to the southern elevation. The reconfiguration of the front garden area to provide 2no. car parking spaces, and all associated site works.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Monday, 27 August, 2018
Submission date:
Saturday, 11 August, 2018
Owner name:
John O'Shaughnessy
Builder name:
John O'Shaughnessy
Designer name:
James O'Malley