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Notice Name:

Extensions To No. 23A Fairhill

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Development location: 
23A Fairhill Road Lower, Galway, galway, H91 E2RC
The provision of semi-detached 2-Storey & Single Storey extensions to the rear of No. 23A Fairhill. (2) Permission for the removal of the front bay-window features and the provision of a semi-detached front extension to the front of No. 23A Fairhill (3) Additional windows to the existing dwellings of No. 23A Fairhill (4)Permission to change existing site boundaries of No. 23A Fairhill to accommodate the proposed extensions
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Galway City Council
Commencement date: 
Monday, 12 August, 2019
Plannning permission number: 
19/55 & 17/250
Submission date: 
Monday, 22 July, 2019


Owner name: 
Pat Larkin
Owner company: 
Pat Larkin
Owner address: 
Stonestown Dunderry, Navan, meath, C15 W016


Builder name: 
Pat Larkin

Builder address

Stonestown Dunderry, Navan, meath, C15 W016


Designer name: 
Gerard Hanniffy

Designer address

186. Bluebell Woods Maree Road Oranmore, Oranmore, galway
