Minor alterations works to second floor at Cancer Care West Support Centre, 74 Old Seamus Quirke Rd, Galway.
Print pageDevelopment location:
Cancer Care West Support Centre, 74 Old Seamus Quirke Rd,, Galway, galway, H91 C9W0
Minor alterations works to the second floor of existing Cancer Care West Support Center, at 74 Old Seamus Quirke Road, Galway. Works include a dividing partition wall between the existing open plan gym and kitchen to allow separate access via lobby to both spaces.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Tuesday, 19 May, 2020
Submission date:
Wednesday, 6 May, 2020
Owner name:
Richard Flaherty for Cancer Care West
Owner company:
Leukaemia Trust/Cancer Care West company limited by Guarantee
Owner address:
Cancer Care West
Inis Aoibhinn
UHG, Galway, galway
Builder name:
Paul Carey
Builder address
6B Liosban Business Park
Tuam Road
Galway, Galway, galway, H91 V268
Designer name:
Edel Tobin, Simon J Kelly Architects
Designer address
Middle Street, Galway, galway
Assigned Certifier Name:
Edel Tobin, Simon J Kelly Architects
Assigned Certifier address
Middle Street, Galway, galway