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Notice Name:

Covid-19 Crisis Notice - Galway University Hospital - Provision of an Single Storey Building – Interim MRI scanning suite

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Development location: 
Newcastle Road, Galway, galway
Provision of a Single storey fixed life building to house an interim scanning suite, to provide support accommodation to enable essential Covid patient segregations and flows
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice Without Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Galway City Council
Commencement date: 
Monday, 7 September, 2020
Submission date: 
Monday, 24 August, 2020


Owner name: 
Grainne Cahill
Owner company: 
Health Service Executive
Owner address: 
Estates Department, Gate Lodge, Merlin Park Hospital,, Galway, galway


Builder name: 
Paul Carey

Builder address

6B Liosban Business Park Tuam Road Galway, Galway, galway, H91 V268


Designer name: 
Brian Cullen

Designer address

56-58 Drury Street Dublin 2, Dublin, dublin_2, 2
