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Notice Name:

Refurbishment and extension of dwelling at Kellybrook House, Kellybrook, Knockcroghery, Co Roscommon

Print page
Development location: 
roscommon, F42 NH64
development will consist of alterations/reconfigurations to facades of existing two storey dwelling house, re-rendering of the existing facades at all levels, the construction of attached contemporary two storey extension with pitched roof and glazed link to existing house on west side of house, installation of new waste water treatment system and decommissioning of existing septic tank, all ancillary site development works, boundary treatment works and services. The development relates to a protected structure (RPS no. 04500095).
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Roscommon County Council
Commencement date: 
Tuesday, 9 March, 2021
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Monday, 22 February, 2021


Owner name: 
Amy Gill
Owner address: 
Kellybrook House Kellybrook, Knockcroghery, roscommon


Builder name: 
Amy Gill

Builder address

Kellybrook House Kellybrook, Knockcroghery, roscommon


Designer name: 
Damian Meehan

Designer address

Douglas Wallace Consultants 1 Grantham Street, Dublin 8, dublin, D08 A49Y
