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Notice Name:

Remodelling and Extensions to dwelling House with Associated Site Works at Mullaghmore, Carrick on Shannon

Print page
Development location: 
Mullaghmore, Carrick-On-Shannon, roscommon, N41 F623
Remodelling and Extensions to Detached Single Storey Dwelling House with Associated Site Works at Mullaghmore, Carrick on Shannon, Co Roscommon
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Roscommon County Council
Commencement date: 
Monday, 22 March, 2021
Plannning permission number: 
PD/20/218 & PD/19/610
Submission date: 
Friday, 5 March, 2021


Owner name: 
Ellen Keane
Owner address: 
Proughlish Keshcarrigan Carrick-on-Shannon Co. Leitrim, Carrick-on-Shannon Co. Leitrim, leitrim, N41 C997


Builder name: 
Shane McGovern

Builder address

Drumleague Leitrim PO, Leitrim PO, leitrim


Designer name: 
Michael Hennessy

Designer address

Dorrary Carrick on Shannon, Carrick on Shannon, roscommon
