Construction of domestic garage at Corraun, Termonbarry , N39 XH31
Print pageDevelopment location:
Corrun Townland, N39 XH31, Termonbarry, roscommon
Construction of a new single storey domestic garage with connection to all ancillary site services.Located at Corraun Townland, Termonbarry Co. Roscommon, Eircode : N39 XH31.
Class/Use : Domestic Garage, to be used for fuel storage,Lawn care equipment and car storage.
Composition : Detached single storey domestic garage.
Type of construction : Concrete block construction with insulated box profile roof sheeting, Napped plaster finish to match existing dwelling house on site.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice Without Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Friday, 16 April, 2021
Submission date:
Wednesday, 24 March, 2021
Owner name:
Shane McHugh
Owner address:
Corraun, Whitehall, Termonbarry, roscommon
Builder name:
Shane McHugh
Builder address
Corraun, Whitehall, Termonbarry, roscommon
Designer name:
Shane McHugh
Designer address
Corraun, Whitehall, Termonbarry, roscommon