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Notice Name:

No 7 Woodleigh park

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Development location: 
No 7 Woodleigh Park, Model Farm Road, Cork, cork, T12 DK3C
Construction of a single/two storey extension to the rear and side of the existing dwelling, material alterations to existing facades, new front entrance canopy, demolition of existing garage, boiler house and external WC and all associated site work
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Cork City Council
Commencement date: 
Wednesday, 31 May, 2023
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Monday, 15 May, 2023


Owner name: 
Andrew Bonser
Owner address: 
7 Woodleigh Park, Model Farm Road, Cork, cork, T12 DK3C


Builder name: 
Christopher Harrington

Builder address

5 Westbury heightsBallincollig, Ballincollig, cork


Designer name: 
Ross O'Donovan

Designer address

Clyde House, Brian Boru Street,, Cork, cork
