C1020 Loreto Park
Print pageDevelopment location:
Eden, Loreto Park, South Douglas Road, Cork, cork, T12 X7F3
alterations & extensions to dwelling house, consisting of a front porch extension & a two storey side extension, elevational changes including external insulation, widening of entrance & increase height of boundary wall, and all associated site works
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Monday, 10 July, 2023
Submission date:
Friday, 23 June, 2023
Owner name:
Ellen Lynch
Owner address:
Edan 15 Loreto Park, Cross Douglas Road, Douglas, cork, T12 X7F3
Builder name:
Jennifer Hester
Builder address
Unit A3
Donnybrook Commercial Centre
Donnybrook, Douglas, cork, CORK
Designer name:
James Kelly
Designer address
Unit 4, Donnybrook Commercial Centre, Douglas, cork