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Notice Name:

Montenotte Hotel - Woodland Suites Phase 01

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Development location: 
Montenotte Hotel, Middle Glanmire Road, Cork, cork
The construction of 9 no. single storey residential units and 1 no. single storey residential amenities building on the grounds of the Montenotte Hotel at Middle Glanmire Road, Cork.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Cork City Council
Commencement date: 
Thursday, 24 August, 2023
Plannning permission number: 
21/40315 - 22/41405
Submission date: 
Wednesday, 9 August, 2023


Owner name: 
Frankie Whelehan
Owner company: 
Montenotte Hotel Ltd
Owner address: 
Morrisons House, Morrisons Island ,, Cork City, antrim


Builder name: 
Simon Reddy

Builder address

Unit 7A Riverview EstateBallyvolane, Cork, cork


Designer name: 
John Burgoyne

Designer address

Henry J Lyons Architects, One Albert Quay, Cork, cork, T12X8N6


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Gerard Fagan

Assigned Certifier address

ORS Marlinstown Office Park, Marlinstown, Mullingar, westmeath, N91 W5NN