88 Sunday's Well Road, Cork.
Print pageDevelopment location:
88 Sunday's Well Road, Cork, cork, T23 VF34
change of use of existing vacant shop and ancillary stores to residential use, provide 1 no. ground floor studio apartment and 1 no. one-bedroom apartment on two levels, for all associated elevational changes including entrances and steps, on ground floor and part first floor of existing 3/4 storey building
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Friday, 3 November, 2023
Submission date:
Wednesday, 18 October, 2023
Owner name:
Brian Williams
Owner company:
Galtan CLG
Owner address:
CEO Galtan CLG, Marina Commercial Park, Centre Park Road, cork, T12X4YW
Builder name:
Ken Davis
Builder address
15 John Redmond StreetMulgrave Road, Cork, cork, T23 VX34
Designer name:
John Dinneen
Designer address
3 Inis Cuain, Clonakilty, Cork, cork, P85 AK 3
Assigned Certifier Name:
John Dinneen
Assigned Certifier address
3 Inis Cuain, Clonakilty, Cork, cork, P85 AK 3