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Notice Name:

2022-035_Extension & Renovation to dwelling at Saint Anthony, Knappagh Road, Co. Sligo

Print page
Development location: 
Saint Anthony, Knappagh road, Sligo, sligo, F91 R82K
Extension & renovation to existing house to include a small extension to the porch, additional floor area to the rear at ground level and a new bedroom at first floor level and elevational changes to all sides of the house.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Sligo County Council
Commencement date: 
Thursday, 23 November, 2023
Plannning permission number: 
Pl 23/60075
Submission date: 
Monday, 6 November, 2023


Owner name: 
Nicola Sullivan
Owner address: 
Saint Anthony, Strandhill Road, Sligo, sligo, F91 R82K


Builder name: 
Gary O'Connor

Builder address

Grellagh Castlegal, Sligo, sligo, F91HNK6


Designer name: 
Declan McCabe

Designer address

Ardeskin, Old Laghey Road, Donegal, donegal, F94RX63


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Declan McCabe

Assigned Certifier address

Ardeskin, Old Laghey Road, Donegal, donegal, F94RX63