OPT OUT construct a two storey dwelling house, domestic garage and car port, provision of foul and surface at Clonamicklon Cast
Print pageDevelopment location:
Clonamicklon Castle Farm, Gortnahoe, Thurles,, tipperary
on the grant of outline permission (Ref. No.P20/1374 of outline permission) for development at this site, construction of a two storey dwelling house, domestic garage and car port, provision of foul and surface water disposal, site landscaping and all associated works.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Tuesday, 9 January, 2024
Submission date:
Monday, 18 December, 2023
Owner name:
Jamie Crowe
Owner company:
Owner address:
Clonamicklon Castle Farm, Gortnahoe, Thurles, tipperary
Builder name:
Liam Meagher
Builder address
CloughtaneyDrangan, Thurles, tipperary, E41X2K8
Designer name:
Jamie Crowe
Designer address
Clonamicklon Castle Farm, Gortnahoe, Thurles, tipperary