Construction of a Bungalow
Print pageDevelopment location:
Killishal, Ballygrohan, Killard, , Blarney, cork
Construction of a flat roofed bungalow(Change of design from that permitted under 19/38611), connection to new foul sewer and all associated works at Killishal, Ballygrohan, Killard,
Blarnry, Cork. T23WK10
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Tuesday, 26 March, 2024
Submission date:
Saturday, 9 March, 2024
Owner name:
Deirdre O Sullivan
Owner address:
The Cedars, , Killard, Blarney, cork, T23WK10
Builder name:
Patrick O'Connell
Builder address
144 Lower Glanmire Road, Tivoli, Cork ciry, cork, T23RP70
Designer name:
Patrick O'Connell
Designer address
144 Lower Glanmire Road, Tivoli, Cork ciry, cork, T23RP70