Glenview terrace
Print pageDevelopment location:
6 Glen View Terrace,Ballyhooly Road, Cork, cork, T23 X5P0
Construction of a new extension of single and two storeys to the rear of the existing dwelling. Material alterations to the existing front elevation. Reconfiguration of the existing ground and first floor existing walls.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Thursday, 11 April, 2024
Submission date:
Monday, 25 March, 2024
Owner name:
Liam Neville
Owner address:
Dromree, Macroom, Co Cork, cork
Builder name:
John neville
Builder address
Dromree, Macroom, Macrrom, cork, P12dv24
Designer name:
Pat Carey
Designer address
PMCG Consulting Engineers and Project Management Ltd, 72 Main Street, Macroom, cork, P12 EN80