Second storey side extension
Print pageDevelopment location:
13 Laureston Crescent, Tower, Blarney, Cork, T23 VE24
To construct a 2nd storey side extension above existing ground floor, and convert existing garage to bedroom, including elevational alterations and all associated site works.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Thursday, 27 June, 2024
Submission date:
Thursday, 6 June, 2024
Owner name:
Francis Morgan
Owner address:
13 Laureston Crescent, Cork, Cork, T23VE24
Builder name:
Finbarr Ryan
Builder address
58 Riverview Estate, Tower, Blarney, Cork,
Designer name:
Francis Morgan
Designer address
13 Laureston Crescent, Cork, Cork, T23VE24