Extension at Sadlierswells JH
Print pageDevelopment location:
Sadllierswells, , Tipperary, Tipperary, E34 K635
modifications to dwelling consisting of three windows to western elevation and two velux roof lights to rear of dwelling and to construct front porch and extension to dwelling and to install new septic tank and percolation area
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Tuesday, 30 July, 2024
Submission date:
Monday, 15 July, 2024
Owner name:
James Hyland
Owner address:
Kingswell, Tipperary, Tipperary, e34k635
Builder name:
Mike Magner
Builder address
Ballinlough West, Bansha, Bansha, Tipperary,
Designer name:
Denis O Malley
Designer address
Abington Ent Centre, Limerick, Limerick, V94XFD3