Extension to 53 Tonafortes
Print pageDevelopment location:
53 Tonafortes, , Carraroe, Sligo, F91 DK16
The refurbishment of an existing single storey cottage, demolition of
front porch, construction of a single storey extension to the rear and
side of the existing house including 1no. rooflight, provision of a new
on site wastewater treatment system, landscaping and all associated
site works
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Monday, 1 July, 2024
Submission date:
Friday, 14 June, 2024
Owner name:
Thomas Curneen
Owner address:
53 Tonafortes, Sligo, Sligo, F91DK16
Builder name:
Mark Harrigan
Builder address
1, oakfield park, sligo, Sligo,
Designer name:
Patrick Dunne
Designer address
Rockingham, Co. Roscommon, Dublin, F52XC78