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Notice Name:

Residential Development (Phase 2) of 8 Apartments at 8&8A Ballinure Cottages, Mahon, Cork

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Development location: 
8&8A Ballinure Cottages, Mahon, , Cork, Cork,
Construction of one 3 storey apartment block comprising 4 no 1 Bedroom Ground Floor Apartments & 4 no 2 bedroom Duplex units over first & second floors, each with their own private balcony/terrace, and all associated site works.
Notice type: 
7 Day Notice
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Cork City Council
Commencement date: 
Thursday, 22 August, 2024
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Thursday, 15 August, 2024


Owner name: 
Derek Murray
Owner company: 
Authentic Homes
Owner address: 
8c Westpoint Business Park, Ballincollig, Cork, P31YV56


Builder name: 
Derek Murray

Builder address

8c Westpoint Business Park, Ballincollig, Cork, P31YV56


Designer name: 
Willie O'Regan

Designer address

Phoenix House, Monahan Road, Cork, Cork, T12 H1XY


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Willie O'Regan

Assigned Certifier address

Phoenix House, Monahan Road, Cork, Cork, T12 H1XY