Construction of a three storey apartment block (block F) at Grange End
Print pageDevelopment location:
18-35 Grange Park Road, , Dunshaughlin, Meath,
Construction of a new residential building over 3 stories containing 18 no. single storey, 2 bedroom apartments
Notice type:
7 Day Notice
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Friday, 27 September, 2024
Submission date:
Tuesday, 17 September, 2024
Owner name:
Alan Hora
Owner company:
Loughglynn Developments Ltd
Owner address:
The Rere, Rathvale House, Athboy, Meath,
Builder name:
Alan Hora
Builder address
The Rere, Rathvale House, Athboy, Meath,
Designer name:
Ivan O Daly
Designer address
1st Floor, Unit 13 B, Navan, Meath, C15 X31N
Assigned Certifier Name:
Ivan O Daly
Assigned Certifier address
1st Floor, Unit 13 B, Navan, Meath, C15 X31N