MP - Channel Road
Print pageDevelopment location:
Channel Road, , Rush, Fingal, K56 FT96
The demolition of existing single storey kitchen/bathroom extension to the rear elevation for the construction of a part single storey/storey and a half extension, comprising living accommodation at ground floor level and 2 bedrooms with bathroom at first floor level, to include internal alterations to the original ground floor area. Including new vehicular access onto Channel Road for the provision of private off street parking. In addition to all associate site works.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Monday, 21 October, 2024
Submission date:
Monday, 23 September, 2024
Owner name:
Mairead Price
Owner address:
St Annes, Rush, Dublin, K56 FT96
Builder name:
Lars Pettersson
Builder address
Tooreeny, Moycullen, Galway, Galway, H91 YX61
Designer name:
Lars Pettersson
Designer address
Tooreeny, Moycullen, Galway, Galway, H91 YX61