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Notice Name:

Richmond Avenue South

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Development location: 
Richmond Avenue South, , Milltown, Dublin 6, D06 KX50
The development will consist of the full renovation and upgrading to the existing dining hall building (509 sqm) and the construction of a new single storey extension (231 sqm) to provide additional dining hall space for the school, located on a site of c. 0133 ha within the campus. The following works area proposed : installation of new gazing and upgrading of the fabric of the existing facades and roof of the Dining Hall; provision of new toilets (20sqm), additional dining area and sundry internal reconfigurations to the kitchen and servery; replacement of existing mechanical plant and a new uncovered plant enclosure at roof level (113 sqm); adjustment of existing adjacent parking layout; wayfinding signage and external lighting hard and soft landscaping in the immediate vicinity and all associated site excavation, utilities and site development works above and below ground (foul, surface water drainage and water supply). The works also include the demolition of a link corridor (47 sqm) between the existing dining hall building dormitory/ classroom building; the extension of the entrance lobby to include fire escape doors and the installation of double doors between the dining hall and dormitory/classroom building.
Notice type: 
7 Day Notice
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Dublin City Council
Commencement date: 
Thursday, 14 November, 2024
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Wednesday, 6 November, 2024


Owner name: 
Barbara Ennis
Owner company: 
Alexandra College
Owner address: 
Alexandra College, Milltown, Dublin, Dublin,


Builder name: 
Sean Cullinan

Builder address

Unit 2 Duck Lane, Smithfield, Dublin 7, D07 NR70


Designer name: 
Ralph Bingham

Designer address

2 Donnybrook Road, Dublin 4, Dublin, D04 NN50


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Ralph Bingham

Assigned Certifier address

2 Donnybrook Road, Dublin 4, Dublin, D04 NN50