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Notice Name:

MSD Ireland Warehouse Extension

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Development location: 
Dublin Road, Pollerton Little & Oakpark, Carlow, carlow
Development at MSD Ireland, Dublin Road, Pollerton Little and Oakpark, Carlow. The proposed development will consist of a new warehouse extension to the north west corner of the existing MSD main production warehouse and is lodged pursuant to permission for enabling works and utlilities on the subject site granted under Carlow County Council File Ref. No. 15287. The proposed warehouse extension is c.937sq.m (height c.12.2m). Ancillary external works will consist of 2 lay-bys off existing access road (with alterations to lay-by under File Ref No. 15287), a new power generator (on new concrete plinth), liquid nitrogen storage tank (c.12.5m high) on a concrete plinth, with palisade fence; all on a site measuring approximately 0.29 hectacres.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Carlow County Council
Commencement date: 
Wednesday, 11 May, 2016
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Wednesday, 27 April, 2016


Owner name: 
Michael Dempsey


Builder name: 
P.J. Hegarty & Sons P.J. Hegarty & Sons


Designer name: 
Robert Allen


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Robert Allen

Certificate of Compliance on Completion:

Completion Certificate No.: 
Total Units on this CC: 
Carlow Carlow MSD Ireland Dublin Road, Pollerton Little & Oakpark
Carlow Carlow MSD Ireland Dublin Road, Pollerton Little & Oakpark