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Notice Name:

Topaz Off Line Filling Station

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Development location: 
Rathcrogue, Wexford Road, Carlow, carlow
construction of an off line motorway services area comprising of the following:- 1). An amenity building of 841.5sq.m gross floor area and including an convenience shop (100sq.m. net retail area), a food court with deli/coffee area and cafe/restaurant with ancillary drive through facility and seating areas, ancillary storage, toilets including 24hr facility, food preparation, staff and service areas with bin storage and service yards to its rear. 2). An ESB Substation and switchroom (24.sqm.) 3). A forecourt area comprising of a canopy with an illuminated facia and 6 No. fuel pump islands; car servicing area, a separate three No. pump island HCV refuelling area with canopy over, an ADR parking area, 3 No. 40,000 and 4 No. 60,000 litre underground fuel storage tanks with associated pipework and overground fill points, electric car charging points, car wash facility with plant room (7.2sq.m.) and a children’s play/picnic area. 4). Parking to comprise of 132 No. car parking spaces (including six disabled parking spaces), 14 No. HCV parking spaces, 4 No. coach parking spaces, 5 No. motorbike parking spaces and 6 No. bicycle stands. 5). The development also consist of the modification of the existing roadways to create a roundabout and new vehicular access; corporate signage through the site; drainage works including attenuation and all associated boundary treatment, landscaping, infrastructural and site development works at a 7.487acre site
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Carlow County Council
Commencement date: 
Wednesday, 4 May, 2016
Plannning permission number: 
14342 / PL01.244762
Submission date: 
Tuesday, 19 April, 2016


Owner name: 
David Caraher


Builder name: 
John Killeen


Designer name: 
Ronald McArdle


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Ronald McArdle

Certificate of Compliance on Completion:

Completion Certificate No.: 
Total Units on this CC: 
Carlow Carlow Rathcrogue, Wexford Road
Carlow Carlow Rathcrogue, Wexford Road
Completion Certificate No.: 
Total Units on this CC: 
Carlow Carlow Rathcrogue, Wexford Road
Carlow Carlow Rathcrogue, Wexford Road