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Notice Name:

No. 1 Emmet Street, Dungarvan

Print page
Development location: 
No. 1 Emmet Street, , Dungarvan, Waterford, X35 KN25
(1)material change of use of part of the existing Ground Floor from ‘shop’ use (39.0 sq.m. Floor Area former hairdressing salon), to use as part of the Existing House. (2) Renovation and Proposed Alteration Works to the Dwelling House, including Alterations to the Elevations and Re-design of the Floor Layout Plan, with 2 no. new Ground Floor Windows to the Front Elevation (Replacement of the Existing Shop Front), Construction of a New Patio Area and Associated Site Works
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Waterford City and County Council
Commencement date: 
Monday, 10 February, 2025
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Saturday, 25 January, 2025


Owner address: 
Coolnagour House, Dungarvan , Waterford,


Builder address

springfield, kinsalebeg, youghal, Waterford,


Designer address

25 Abbot's Close, Abbeyside, Dungarvan, Waterford, X35 NV66
