Change of use Castlehill
Print pageDevelopment location:
31 Castle Hill, , Carlow, Carlow, R93W998
The change of use of premises from an existing fast food take away with adjoining domestic accommodation, to use as a single domestic unit, and to include changes to elevations, demolition of an existing single storey extension to the rear elevation, internal alterations and all associated site works
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Tuesday, 18 February, 2025
Submission date:
Tuesday, 4 February, 2025
Owner address:
30 Heatherhill Wood, Carlow, Carlow,
Builder address
30 Heatherhill Wood, Carlow, Carlow,
Designer address
30 Heatherhill Wood, Carlow, Carlow,