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Notice Name:

ESB MV Substation - Tullow Networks Pump Station, Tullowbeg, Tullow, Co. Carlow

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Development location: 
6 N81, , Tullow, Carlow,
Development at a site to the south-east of the Tesco Superstore, Tullow, Co. Carlow, which extends generally from Mill Street to the Tullow Wastewater Treatment Plant (WwTP), Tullow, Co. Carlow. The development will consist of (1) the decommissioning of: an existing siphon crossing underneath the River Slaney; Abbeywells Pumping Station (Abbeywells PS); a CSO overflow to the River Slaney near to Abbeywells PS; a CSO overflow to River Slaney near Millstreet junction from existing overflow chamber; an existing pumping main from Abbeywells PS to discharge manhole on N81; and an existing septic tank (2) the partial decommissioning of: an existing combined sewer network on the eastern and western sides of the River Slaney (3) the construction of: a new combined sewer network to connect eastern and western agglomerations to the proposed pumping station; a new gravity sewer crossing under the River Slaney to transfer flows from eastern agglomeration; a new Formula A network pumping station to pass flows to Tullow Wastewater Treatment Plant (Tullow WwTP); a new pumping main to transfer flows from the proposed pumping station to Tullow WwTP; a new storm storage chamber to contribute to a total of 450m3 of storage in the proposed pumping station site; a new overflow sewer from proposed pumping station to River Slaney; a new pumping station site to locate wet well, stormchamber, ESB substation, emergency generator and other ancillary equipment; new storm pumps to facilitate storm overflow discharge to River Slaney; new lifting gantries (2 no.) within the proposed pumping station site to facilitate the removal of the two sets of pumps; a site access route and associated gates; 2 no. car parking spaces; hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatment works; and all associated site development works and services on a site of 1.12ha. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared in respect of the proposed development and will be submitted with the planning application.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Carlow County Council
Commencement date: 
Monday, 10 March, 2025
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Wednesday, 19 February, 2025


Owner address: 
Irish Water, Marlinstown Business Park, Mullingar, Mullingar, Westmeath,


Builder address

EPS Mallow Mallow Business & Technology Park, Mallow, Cork, P51 AC94


Designer address

Flax House, BELFAST, , BT2 8FE


Assigned Certifier address

South Block, Dundrum, Dublin, D16 R6V0