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Notice Name:

41 Holmpatrick, Skerries, Co.Dublin

Print page
Development location: 
41 Holmpatrick, , Skerries, Fingal, K34FW50
1) replace the existing hipped-roof with a new gabled-roof containing rooflight on front elevation and flat-roof dormer windows on rear elevation; 2) New entrance porch with gable-roof to front. ; 3) New vehicular entrance with piers and dished footpath; 4) Raised patio terrace with steps to rear and all associated site works
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Fingal County Council
Commencement date: 
Thursday, 6 March, 2025
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Thursday, 20 February, 2025


Owner name: 
Mr. Barry O'Loghlen
Owner address: 
11 Shenick Avenue, Skerries, Dublin, k34vp78


Builder name: 
Mr. Colm Mooney

Builder address

Flemington Road, Balbriggan, Dublin, Dublin, K32pd79


Designer name: 
Mr. Terence Woods

Designer address

4Church StreetSkerries, Skerries, Dublin, K34W672
