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Notice Name:

CF Pharma (New Building) Hebron Industrial Estate, Leggetsrath West, Kilkenny.

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Development location: 
Hebron Industrial Estate, , Leggetsrath West, Kilkenny, Kilkenny,
Proposed construction of a single storey commercial warehouse storage facility with adjoined administrative offices over two levels, site signage, vehicular entrance, on-site parking, the provision of foul and surface water connections/disposal, landscaping and all associated works at Hebron Industrial Estate, Leggetsrath West, Kilkenny.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Kilkenny County Council
Commencement date: 
Wednesday, 19 March, 2025
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Tuesday, 4 March, 2025


Owner name: 
Ms. Clare Hughes
Owner address: 
CF Pharma, Kilkenny, Kilkenny, R95 CRK2


Builder name: 
Ms. Clare Hughes

Builder address

CF Pharma, Kilkenny, Kilkenny, R95 CRK2


Designer name: 
Mr. Brendan Moore

Designer address

Brendan Moore Architects, Kilkenny, Kilkenny, R95 KN80


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Mr. Brendan Moore

Assigned Certifier address

Brendan Moore Architects, Kilkenny, Kilkenny, R95 KN80