Palmerston Lodge, Milltown Road, Dublin 6
Print pageDevelopment location:
Palmerstown Lodge, Milltown Road, dublin_6
the demolition of a non-original existing garage to the west elevation; construction of a new single storey garage to the east elevation; demolition of part of existing non-original rear extension to allow reinstatement of original first floor landing window; construction of new single and two storey extensions to the rear of existing house with sedum roofs; removal of upper ground level floor to non-original extension to create double height space; installation of new bio-cycle treatment unit; internal alterations to non-original rear extensions to form new opes; replacement of non-original glazing units as indicated; removal of non-original lower ground floor concrete slab and replacement new insulated slab; repair of natural slate roof; repair and replacement of non-original external render with lime render to all elevations;reinstatement of original sash window to rear elevation from den to the first floor landing; revision of blocked up sash window to den with new double doors to double height space; new door ope of staircase; forming new ope in master bedroom to first floor; repair and replacement of sash windows as indicated; replacement of existing mechanical and electrical services; new solar HW heating panels to rear roof elevation; new granite capping to front boundary walls; replacement of pebble-dash render to nap finish render to front boundary walls
Notice type:
Commencement Notice Without Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Tuesday, 4 August, 2015
Submission date:
Tuesday, 21 July, 2015
Owner name:
Ray & Grace McDermott
Builder name:
PJ O Shea
Builder address
Borris, Ballisk CourtBorris, carlow
Designer name:
Brian O Donnell