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Notice Name:

4 Mander's Terrace, Ranelagh, Dublin 6

Print page
Development location: 
4 Mander's Terrace , Ranelagh , dublin_6
Protected: Structure: Demolish existing non-historic two storey return (circa 12.7sqm) remove one internal partition at first floor and one at basement level. Replace existing basement floor and lower floor level by 300mm Remove concrete cover from entrance steps and repair/reinstate granite stone steps Demolish and rebuild section of existing concrete block garden on boundary with No. 3 Insert ensuite toilet and shower facilities at first floor and basement levels Carry out modifications to existing window/door openings at basement level • form new door in place of window under entrance steps (north-west side) • reform original window opening ( replacing current non-historic door and window) to front , north west side • Form doors in lieu of window to rear rooms on south-east side and south-west sides and reinstate wall over Reinstate original arch window on stair landing. Replace non-historic fanlight over front entrance door. Insert new external metal stair to basement, north-west side, including modifications and repairs to existing railings and gate Remove soil bank from front basement areas, reform retaining wall and construct low boundary wall with railing to Nos. 3 and 5. Carry out repairs and upgrades to existing sash windows including weather seals and slimlite type double glazing including replacement of selected sashes. Replace stair flight to basement level. Repairs to lime plaster walls, ceilings and cornices Paint and decorate interior. Carry out repairs to roof timbers and flashings , including partial replacement of damaged slates and replace gutters and downpipes with new cast aluminium. Insert roof light over ensuite to rear pitch of roof Remove redundant features from facades, carry out repairs to brickwork, re-point and clean. Construct single storey extension (circa 38.7sqm), to rear of main house to provide new kitchen/dining and WC. General hard and soft landscaping, including excavations around rear basement rear windows with undercroft under part of new extension and forming steps to main garden level Form opening in concrete block boundary wall for access to rear lane. Provide new foul and surface below ground drainage
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice Without Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Dublin City Council
Commencement date: 
Thursday, 2 April, 2015
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Wednesday, 18 March, 2015


Owner name: 
Owner address: 
4 Manders Terrace Ranelagh, Ranelagh, dublin_6


Builder name: 
John Kelly

Builder address

45 Chanel Avenue, Artane, dublin_5


Designer name: 
Paschal Mahoney

Designer address

42 Arran Street East, -, dublin_7


Assigned Certifier Name: