31 Raglan Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Print pageDevelopment location:
31 Raglan Road, Ballsbridge, dublin_4
(a) partial lowering of basement level by 400mm, (b) new concrete floor to entire basement level,(c) damp-proofing of walls throughout basement level, including new wall and ceiling plasterwork, (d) construction of 19.60 sqm single storey pitched glazed roof extension to rear at basement level, including widening ope to main rear/west elevation and blocking up opes to side/ north elevation of return, (e) blocking up of door ope to front/east elevation at basement level, (f) lowering window cill to front/east elevation at basement level and fitting new window to same, (g) alterations to window ope beneath front granite steps and fitting new door with granite step to same, (h) replacement of 4 no. non-original windows to side/north elevation of return, including alterations to 1 no. ope at entrance level, (i) replacement of 3 no. non-original windows to rear/west elevation of return, including alterations to 1 no. ope at entrance level, (j) alterations to door ope to rear of return at entrance level and fitting new window with granite cill to same, (k) forming new door ope to rear of return at basement level and fitting new door with granite step to same, (l) conservation repair works to slates, valleys, flashings, chimney stacks, ridge and hip tiles, (m) conservation repair works to front/east elevation brickwork and front main granite steps (including re-pointing to both and repairs to wrought iron railings), (n) conservation repair works to render to main rear/west elevation and both elevations of return, (o) conservation repair works to external joinery to front/east elevation and main rear/west elevation, (p) replacement of gutters, downpipes and soil & waste pipes to rear, (q) internal alterations to layout and structure throughout, including changes to opes and partitions, (r) conservation repair works internally to wall and ceiling plasterwork, suspended timber floors, internal joinery and fireplaces, (s) renewal of mechanical and electrical services, including all new sanitary ware, (t) replacement of non-original staircase between basement and entrance levels, (u) new granite steps, retaining walls and planters to extended Morning Terrace to front and extended Evening Terrace to rear, (v) landscaping to front and rear and (w) all associated site works
Notice type:
Commencement Notice Without Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Wednesday, 1 April, 2015
Submission date:
Wednesday, 18 March, 2015
Owner name:
Martin Dunn
Builder name:
John McLaughlin
Designer name:
Anthony Mullen