Residential Development of 3 houses at 52 Old Cabra Road.
Print pageDevelopment location:
52 Old Cabra Road,, Cabra,, dublin_7
a) Demolition of existing house and associated shed structure on site.
b) Construction of a new 2 storey dwelling (area 307 sqm), respecting the existing front building line and using similar finishes to the existing house, accessed from the existing entrance on to Old Cabra Road.
c) Construction of 2 no. 2 storey with attic level, semi detached houses to rear of site (area 145 sqm each) incorporating dormers to rear at attic level, accessed from Cabra Drive incorporating front gardens and 2 off street parking spaces (1 no. per dwelling) which requires the removal of 2 no. existing trees on Cabra Drive.
d) All associated internal and external works, including hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatments, solar collectors and site works.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Monday, 25 August, 2014
Submission date:
Friday, 8 August, 2014
Owner name:
Patrick Rooney
Owner company:
P Rooney Roofing Ltd
Builder name:
Patrick Rooney
Designer name:
Aengus Collins
Assigned Certifier Name:
Aengus Collins
Certificate of Compliance on Completion:
Completion Certificate No.:
Completion Certificate No.: