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Notice Name:

Mews at 81, Grosvenor Lane, Rathmines, Dublin 6

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Development location: 
81, Grosvenor Lane, Rathmines, dublin_6
Mews at 81 Grosvenor Lane, to the rear of 81, Leinster Road (a protected structure). The renovation, extension and subdivision of the existing coach house to provide for a total of 2no. semi-detached 2-3 storey over basement three bedroom dwellings and associated works comprising: a) The demolition of the current boundary wall to the front of the property and the construction of a new front boundary wall to align with the adjoining properties and the provision of 2no. vehicular entrances and 2no. associated off-street car parking spaces and 2no. pedestrian gates, all accessed from Grosvenor Lane. b) The demolition of the non-original single storey entry porch, single storey extension and outhouse all to the front of the coach house, the reconfiguration of the remaining front facade opes and the provision of a new garden party wall at ground floor level to provide 2no. entrance courts. c) The complete refurbishment of the retained coach house, comprising the reinstatement of traditional natural slate roof, various internal amendments including a new internal party walls at first and second floor level, lowered floor levels, new contemporary window sets to the original front facade window opes and 3no. velux roof lights to the rear of the coach house. d) The demolition of non-original single storey extension to the rear of the coach house and the reconfiguration of the retained opes and decorative niches on the rear facade level to provide 2no. external intermediate courtyards and associated internal party wall to the rear of the existing coach house. e) The construction of 2no. semi-detached three-storey over basement, flat roofed extensions, associated first floor link to existing coach house and second floor external terrace and associated privacy screening, all to the rear of the existing coach house. f) All associated site works, roof lights, balconies, privacy screens, external courtyards garden works and refuse stores and 2no. bicycle storage to the front of the coach house.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Dublin City Council
Commencement date: 
Monday, 18 August, 2014
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Friday, 1 August, 2014


Owner name: 
Steven Van Den Bergh


Builder name: 
Steven Van Den Bergh


Designer name: 
Ray Donohoe


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Jonathan O'Neill

Certificate of Compliance on Completion:

Completion Certificate No.: 
Completion Certificate No.: 