13 Brighton Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6
Print pageDevelopment location:
13 Brighton Road, Rathgar, dublin_6
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of:
(a) The restoration of the original structure to provide for various internal partition amendments, removal of non original features, the provision of a new internal opening between the rear reception room and lower ground floor return, the conversion of an existing window into an external door in the lower ground floor return and the provision of a new window in the rear elevation of the lower first floor return.
(b) The renovation of the existing pitched roof to the main roof to include replacement of 1 No. existing rooflight and provision of 1 No. new rooflight to facilitate access to the central roof valley.
(c) The complete renovation of the non-original single storey extension to the rear of the property including new fenestration and internal partition revisions, new rooflights, new structural opes, new roof and floor structure and new canopy.
(d) The demolition of the existing pitched roof over the single storey original structure to the rear and replacement with a new part flat, part pitched roof structure, the demolition of the boilerhouse to the rear of the property
(e) The provision of an external terrace to the rear of the property, new landscaping features to the rear courtyard and provision of a new fuel storage and bicycle storage structure
(f) all associated site works.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Tuesday, 12 August, 2014
Submission date:
Tuesday, 22 July, 2014
Owner name:
Shelley Horan and Lorcan Staines
Owner address:
13 Brighton Road, , Rathgar, dublin_6,
Builder name:
Mike Ryan
Builder address
12 Windsor Road, Rathmines, dublin_6
Designer name:
Dermot Bannon
Designer address
16 The Seapoint Building
44/45 Clontarf Road
Clontarf, Dublin 3, dublin, 1
Assigned Certifier Name: