65 Waterloo Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Print pageDevelopment location:
65 Waterloo Road, Ballsbridge, dublin_4
complete refurbishment of the existing three-storey return to the rear of the property including fenestration and internal stair and partition revisions and the provision of new structural opes, rooflights and all siteworks, the removal and repositioning of the existing external staircase and associated railings to rear from the first floor kitchen, the demolition of the existing single storey lean to and the provision of a new two storey extension of 29.6sqm to the rear of the property, providing additional dining and amenity space at ground and basement levels
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Monday, 14 April, 2014
Submission date:
Monday, 31 March, 2014
Owner name:
Gillian Davidson Tom Arnold
Owner address:
65 Waterloo Road, Ballsbridge, dublin_4
Builder name:
Sapele Construction Ltd
Builder address
Bertra House, Woodbine Avenue, Mountain BayArklow, wicklow
Designer name:
Designer address
37 North Great George's Street, , dublin_1
Assigned Certifier Name:
Mark Kelly