Pallas Foods, Killamonan, The Ward
Print pageDevelopment location:
Pallas Foods, Killamonan, The Ward, dublin
A) Planning permission for: i) a new water storage tank 6m in diameter and 9m high adjacent to the two previously granted sprinkler tanks which are to be re-sized and repositioned. ii) new external gutters to all mini-loaders eaves. iii) a new canopy to the security hut and iv) a relocated gas skid at the site boundary. (B) Permission is also sought for the Retention and Completion of the ESB Substation relocated to the internal access road, ii) the mirroring of the layout for the Vehicle Maintenance Facility to facilitate truck movements.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Friday, 27 June, 2014
Submission date:
Wednesday, 11 June, 2014
Owner name:
Paul Nestor
Owner address:
Pallas Foods, Newcastle West, limerick
Builder name:
Joe Sheeran
Builder address
John Paul Construction Balfour Beatty, Dumdrum Business ParkDundrum, dublin_14
Designer name:
John Dennehy
Assigned Certifier Name:
Mark Kelly